No Stirrups November Challenge

Ride your lessons this month without your stirrups as much as you choose…and be rewarded for how much you can do!  No special treatment in the lesson if you don’t have stirrups.  We work like always!

Ribbons will be awarded as follows:

BLUE: Ride 4 ENTIRE lessons with no stirrups.  In other words, take ‘em off before you even get in the saddle.  Saddles optional too!

RED: Ride 2 ENTIRE lessons with no stirrups.

YELLOW: Ride 15 minutes or more in 4 lessons with no stirrups.

WHITE: Ride 1 ENTIRE lesson AND go over a raised obstacle with no stirrups

PINK:  Ride 5 minutes with no stirrups in at least 4 lessons

GREEN: Ride 5 minutes with no stirrups in at least 2 lessons

Other rules:  *No requesting “easier” horses to complete the challenge.  You must ride your normal mount.  *You will be timed if you drop your stirrups, but instructor is not going to tell you when to do so.  If you feel you can’t do what is asked (canter, etc.) without them, take them back!  Time will stop, and restart when you drop them again. *Riding outside of lessons without stirrups is of course encouraged, but unfortunately does not count towards this challenge.  😉


P.S. Why? LOL, here’s my list…

  • Dropping your irons improves you seat. It’s impossible to balance in your toes; they aren’t there anymore.
  • It encourages you to stretch through your leg, in turn lengthening the thigh and calf and reducing “scrunching” that creates tension.
  • It encourages a deeper, more open seat. Think of “plugging in” to your saddle.
  • It encourages you to move with your horse to find the correct rhythm.
  • It builds some mega muscles!
  • It forces you to rely on your core.
  • One day you will drop your stirrup by accident, whether it be be while cantering or because your horse spooked, etc. Having no stirrup is a silly reason to fall off!

If you can think of more reasons, share them as a comment, and I will post them!

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